We believe that , constant try for perfection and consistent innovation can bring the affordable solution with genuine results, hence We follow the same path to offer state of the art service and product to enrich everyone’s life to fullest.
By means of technology and true customer relation we thrive to set up the mark in the market with excellent remark for it’s products and innovation of its kind.
In Electro System we trust on our products that we offer for affordability and consistency in performance. On the same track we give these solutions at minor , with great deals and unprecedented quality standard.
We are dealing in electronic cards repair in Imaje 9020,9030 model.
We are dealing in electronic cards repair in videojet M1510/1710 models.
We are dealing in marking machine
• Consumable Spare
• Service calls/On site support to customer
• Marking controller repairing
Repair any electronic pcb such as Power Supply, AC/DC converter, SMPS, Control Cards, Mother Board, Driver Boards, PLC Cards, I/O Cards, AC/DC Drives of CNC, VMC and any SPM machines electronic items.
We are dealing in electronic cards repair in Domino machine A200, A300, A120/220, A Series Plus and AX Series printers.
Items which can be repaired
• Power Supply
• PEC Card
• SGB Cards
• Back Plane
• I/O Cards
• Ink-Interface cards